
April sesshin

Applications are open for this 7 day sesshin, which will be led by Kanja Roshi. Last date for applications is 29 March.


May sesshin

Applications are open for this 4 day sesshin, which will be led by Dharman Sensei. Last date for applications is 23 April.



Members and their families are warmly invited to register for the Vesak celebration on Saturday 24 May. You can come for just the day, or stay till breakfast on Sunday. On Saturday morning you can either arrive by car, or we can pick you up from the train in Arboga. Please register by 17 May.


Introductory retreat in Swedish

Every year, we offer two retreats suited for anyone who hasn't done a zen retreat before, even complete beginners, one in Swedish and one in English. Participants will learn everything they need to know to get started with their Zen practice. The Swedish retreat will run from 3 to 6 July and be led by Kanja Odland Roshi. Please email zendoleader@zentraining.org for details. Members can apply online.


Introductory retreat in English

Every year, we offer two retreats suited for anyone who hasn't done a zen retreat before, even complete beginners, one in Swedish and one in English. Participants will learn everything they need to know to get started with their Zen practice. The English retreat will run from 17 to 20 July and be led by Kansan Zetterberg Sensei. Please email zendoleader@zentraining.org for details. Members can apply online.

Zen practice

Intensive Retreats - sesshin

A traditional Japanese Zen retreat, or sesshin, is a period when all non-essential work is put aside and participants engage in 9 or more hours of formal zazen each day. The silent zazen is complemented by a daily lecture (teisho) and 2 or 3 private meetings each day with the teacher (dokusan). The intensive nature of sesshin allows one to put aside all workday concerns and focus strongly on unifying the mind, with the aim of seeing into one’s true nature. Sesshin practice is for more experienced practitioners and we ask that you speak to one of the teachers if you are planning to apply.

Residential Zen training

Intensive Zen retreat, or sesshin, is one form of Zen practice. Between sesshins, another form of practice is offered to members: Zen training. Instead of focussing so strongly on formal zazen, we move from the base of our daily meditation practice into staying aware and present during all activities, whether working, socialising, eating or playing.

The training schedule typically includes five hours of formal sitting each day, four hours of work and several hours of unstructured time. Dokusan (a private meeting with the teacher) is offered regularly to enable students to receive individual guidance on their practice. One day a week has no formal schedule.

Beginners' Retreats

People usually come to Zengården once they have established a Zen practice through one of our city centers. We recognise that it can be difficult to take part in a retreat for the first time. An extended introduction, including explanations to the different parts of the full day schedule, is useful to many members who want to take part in the events at Zengården. For this reason, in the summer each year, we offer a small number of people who are genuinely interested in finding out whether this practice is for them the chance to participate in a 4-day retreat. During the retreat, participants learn everything they need to know to get started in Zen and about the practice at Zengården. If you would like more information about this, please contact us.

Zengården   |   e-mail: info@zentraining.org   |   phone: +46 (0) 76 1495374   |   Plusgiro: 45 97 38-1